We Are Always Grateful for Volunteers in Our Work
There are so many ways you and your organization can get involved and help support the Weber/Morgan Children's Justice Center!

Special Events
Join a committee or donate an item for the Starry Night Gala or the Ride for Children's Justice. You could also help out with a community event. Times and dates need to be arranged in advance.
Fund Raisers
Organize a fund raiser to benefit the center.
Do you like to golf, to bake, to run, to ride, to play poker, to bowl? It's easy to put together a fund-raising event around your favorite activity.
Just call us and we'll give you ideas -- and let us review your plans to make sure they work for us, too, and to see how we can help.

Maintenance -- We are housed in a beautiful mansion on the historical register; help us to keep it that way.
Photographer -- Take photos at our fund raisers and events
Boy Scout Eagle Projects -- Project ideas are endless
Girl Scout Projects -- We always have special projects.
Church and Civic Groups -- Contact us for ideas
Business Owners
Offer your services, sponsor an event, donate an item to our auction or motorcycle ride.
Support us through United Way of Northern Utah (#268)
We are listed as The Friends of the Weber/Morgan Children's Justice Center. Need a speaker for your kick-off? Just let us know.